Girls 2011 (U13)
Quarterfinal, Semifinal, Final game information can be found HERE.
Quarterfinal Advancement Information:
VUSA 11G Arsenal - Bluestein hosts Wildcard from District 7.
PSCC G11 Falcons (BG) will be playing at District 7 as Wildcard 1.
VUSA 11G Phoenix - Huang will be playing at District 4 as Wildcard 2.
District 5 game schedules can be found HERE.
Teams Participating:
CWSA 11G Mighty Oompa Loompas - Glaser
PSCC G11 Falcons (BG)
VUSA 11G Arsenal - Bluestein
VUSA 11G Phoenix - Huang
Home team is to supply three game balls for the game.
If uniform conflict, home team must switch.
All games are full length games, two 30-minute halves.
Round Robin format (plays each team once). Top two teams with the most points after all games are played will compete in a final game on Sunday to determine who advances to quarterfinals. This final game on Sunday has to have a winner. If after regular time, teams are tied, two 5-minute OT periods are to be played. If still tied after these two OT periods (no golden goal), Kicks From The Mark (KFTM) apply.
6 points for a win
0 points for a loss
Each goal is one additional point, up to three.
Shutout is an additional point.
3 points for a tie, plus above points based on score.
Tie breakers:
1. Head to Head
2. Goal Differential
3. Goals For
4. Goals Against
5. Coin Toss
District games follow SWYSA league rules as posted on the website under Soccer Information.
Click here for WYS Recreational Cup Rules
Quarterfinals: December 2/3 (locations TBA)
Semifinals and Finals: December 9/10 at Starfire Sports Complex
Emergency Contact for Region 5 teams during District level play: 360.904.9866
Score Reporting:
- Each team (both home and away) are required to text the game score within 15 minutes of the game completion.
- Report final game scores by texting 360-904-9866 in this format: game number, home score - visiting score, winner. Example: #11440 4-2 FC Daisy Pickers (FC Daisy Pickers home team won 4-2)
- The text will be confirmed by a "Thanks" response. If you do not receive a confirmation within 30 minutes, please re-text.